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Year 6

Welcome to year 6  

We would like to welcome all parents, carers and children to term 1 and 2.  

Year 6 is an exciting year full of challenges and experiences: from Kent test expectations, to the challenge of SATS week, the excitement of residential trip memories and onwards into pastures new for year 7 beyond. We have so much to experience in this coming year and hope you enjoy the autumn term with us; an exciting term full of stories, and opportunities. 


As we start the year, our topics will look at, ‘Brazil’, exploring this diverse and unique culture, and consider the human and physical features that shape the land and its people. 

In English, we will explore: ‘Macbeth’ (by a little-known author called William Shakespeare). This wonderful text will act as the starting point for a variety of writing tasks and journeys deeper into the plot, characters and settings. 


Swimming for year 6, involves only those children who have currently not yet met the required 25m distance, this takes place every Friday mornings between September and Christmas. Parents and children will be notified if their children are selected to attend.  


This term, our PE days (when the children should come to school in their PE kit) will be: Thursday and Friday. 


Homework: Daily reading (for at least 15mins), Spellings to learn (spelling test on Fridays), Times tables (using Times Table Rock Stars APP) 


Important dates: 

  • KENT TEST (11+) Thursday 12th September 

  • PGL Sunday 22nd – Wednesday 25th September 

  • Activity week Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th September 


 Our year 6 team is made up of: 

6I – Mr Irwin                                               TA – Mrs Paphiti 

6WG – Mrs Ward / Mrs Goodson            TA – Miss Alleeson 

6A – Mrs Allen                                             TA – Mrs Hubbard