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Year 5

Year 5 – Term 5 and 6

We would like to welcome all parents, carers and children back to year 5! We hope everyone had an enjoyable break and are now excited to continue our learning journey in year 5.

Meet our team:

5NB – Mrs Newport and Mrs Baker TA – Mrs Porter

5L – Mr Lucas TA- Mrs Rennie

5S – Mrs Sumner TA- Mrs Perkins



In the next two terms of year 5 we focus on revising all times tables up to 12 x 12. It is important for children to carry on increasing the speed and accuracy that they are able to answer multiplication questions.

We will start the term looking at angles and then move on to studying transformations. We will deepen our understanding of calculating with whole numbers and decimals as well as studying 2D and 3D shapes. This term we will also be converting between units of measuring and studying volume.





Guided Reading


Beetle Boy by M.G Leonard

Beetle Boy by M.G Leonard


The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes



Term 5

History – Battle of Britain

In this topic children will gain an understanding of the 1st and 2nd world war and where they fit within a timeline. We will study the timeline of the second world war and focus on the importance of the battle of Britain and the impact this victory had on Britain in both the short and long term.


Science – Living things and their habitats.

This term we will investigate the different life cycles of animals. We will learn about the life cycles of mammals, birds, insects and amphibians. We will use our observations skills to continue watching the frog spawn with the classroom and document the changes we see. Children will also study the different parts of plants and investigate how it reproduces.

Term 6

Geography – What’s it like in Kenya?

During this term, Year 5 will be investigating climate, the impact of tourism and how life is changing for the Kenyan people. We will do this by establishing locational knowledge and using geographical language to describe location within the world. We will continue to develop children's map reading skills and introduce them to a range of different types of maps.

Science – Animals including humans.

In this unit we will investigate the changes of a human from conception to an adult. We will compare gestational periods and investigate the size of an animal to the length of gestation. Children will be immersed in a range of data and reason about what it tells them about growth.


PE kits should be worn to school every Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday afternoons the children will be covering the dance element of the national curriculum. We are also lucky to have a coach from Thanet Wanderers coming over to teach the children rugby skills on Tuesday mornings. If children are able to, they should bring a spare pair of trainers/plimsolls to wear for dance in the afternoon.

Any questions or concerns, please come and see us at the end of the day at the classroom door.

Thank you for your support.