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Year 4

We would like to welcome all parents, carers and children to terms 1 and 2 in Year 4. Our topics in the coming two terms are Marvellous Magic and The Digestive System. We will be learning about solids, liquids and gases and their properties through hands-on, exciting experiments. We will also learn about the workings of the digestive system and the journey of food through our bodies. In English, our texts will be Leon and the Place Between and The Kapok tree. We will be writing setting and character descriptions in term 1 and information texts in term 2. Our Maths will focus on the place value of 4 digit numbers and then move on to addition and subtraction, data handling and division.

Learning the times tables will be a priority throughout Year 4 in preparation for the online multiplication tables check in Term 6. There will be a daily times tables challenge and a 2 minute speed test every Friday.  We will revisit the 2s, 5s, and 10s from Year 3. We will then move on to the 3 and 6 times tables, followed by the 4s and 8s. There will be regular “Battles” set between classes on Times Tables Rock Stars, with the reward for the winning class being an extra 15 minutes of play on a Friday afternoon. Please continue to support your child in practising the times tables – it really does make a difference! The children need to be able to recall any given times table within 6 seconds by Term 5. The Sound Check on Times Tables Rock Stars is a great way for the children to practise and prepare for their online check moving forward, as it simulates the 6 second response time required.

We will continue to foster our love of reading for pleasure and all children will have a class reading book which will come home daily. Please spend 10 minutes every day reading with your child and discussing their book. Please fill in their reading record each time they read at home. These will be checked regularly in school. Spellings are set on a Monday and are tested on Fridays. Please support your child by helping them to practise their spellings daily where possible. Encouraging them to use their “spelling voice” and to break words down into sounds and syllables is a great way to encourage them and will remind them of the strategies that we teach them in school.

PE Days are on a Tuesday and Wednesday – please wear your PE kit.

The Year 4 Team this year are:

4B  – Mrs Buller and Mrs Cousins with TA – Mrs Galanaki

4W –Mr Williams with TA – Miss Kennedy and Miss Couldridge

4S – Mrs Spurgin with TA – Mrs Porter and Mrs Saffery