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Year 3

Welcome to the Summer Term!

During the next two terms, our topics will be Raging Rivers – Term 5 Geography focus and Fantastic forces – Term 6 Science Focus.

Every Monday, the children will receive a spelling sheet to learn and these words will be tested in class every Friday. Please take the time to look through these spellings with your child and complete the activities.

The focus for home learning will be weekly spellings, times tables (3, 4, 6 and 8) and independent reading. Maths home learning will be set on either Times Table Rockstars or Purplemash every Monday.

In Year 3, the children need to wear their PE kits into school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in preparation for their PE lessons.

Any questions or queries, please do ask the class teacher – we are at the classroom door at the end of every day and are happy to talk to you.

Year 3 Team

3L – Miss Lance TA – Miss Kennedy

3SB – Mrs Bruna (Mrs Seeney on maternity leave) TA – Mrs Dooley

3S – Miss Spickett TA – Miss Hubbard and Miss Relf


Term 5 – Raging River

In ‘Raging River, we will be learning about how rivers are formed and how they impact the environment. We will kick off this topic by immersing the children in an exciting activity, where they will be able to explore where major rivers are around the world using an atlas.

In Maths, we will be learning about time. We will learn how to read analogue and digital clocks to the nearest minute, as well as calculating the length of time intervals. Additionally, we will complete a topic on angles and shapes, looking at 2D and 3D shapes and the angles within them.

In English, we will have a focus text, ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. The children will be writing in role, enjoying narrative writing and using descriptive vocabulary. In guided reading, we will be continuing to enjoy the whole class text ‘Krindlekrax’, where we will explore vocabulary and improve our retrieval and inference skills.

Term 6 – Fantastic forces

In Term 6, we will focus our learning of Science through enquiries into forces and magnets. The children will take part in various investigations to learn how forces work in everyday life and to find out which materials are magnetic.

In Maths, we will be focussing on measures. We will learn how to measure and convert between litres and millilitres, as well as grams and kilograms. At the end of the term, the children will secure their multiplication and division strategies, whilst applying place value knowledge.

In English, our focus text will be ‘Iron Man’ to link with our Fantastic Forces topic in Science. Through writing, we will refine our recount writing and progress onto writing a newspaper report. In guided reading, we will improve our comprehension skills through the book ‘PRIDE’, whilst learning about the challenges that people in our world have faced.