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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at St Peter's

Some children are eligible for free school meals because their parents receive certain benefits. As the school receives additional funding  - known as Pupil Premium -  for each child who is entitled to receive free school meals or has been entitled over the last six years, we encourage parents to apply.

You can find out more details, and apply online at or contact the School Office. 

DfE guidance:

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. 

‘We know a good education is the key to improving young people’s life chances, to enable them to progress into adulthood with the skills and confidence for success. The Pupil Premium will provide schools with the resources with which to address inequalities in the system and raise the attainment of those pupils from low income families’Source DfE website

The funds are used to improve the quality of teaching and to deliver additional teaching provision and targeted individual learning support.  The intervention programmes are monitored by the Senior Leadership Team and reviewed at least every six weeks with the Class Teacher.

The school’s regular and robust data analysis systems always include information about which pupils are underachieving in English and Maths and supports teachers in the identification of barriers to their learning. Interventions or techniques are impact-assessed within six weeks and adjustments are made accordingly.

In addition, all classroom staff discuss the progress of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium.  Teachers and Teaching Assistants take specific responsibility for accelerating their progress and narrowing any gaps in performance between pupil groups. Governors are involved in the decision-making and evaluation process. The Learning and Development Committee and the Resources Committee have particular responsibility for monitoring the use of Pupil Premium.

As well as consistently good quality teaching and support, pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium may also receive:

  • Enrichment and nurture activities
  • Targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families
  • Small group tuition from an additional well-qualified and experienced adult
  • Support with costs for school visits including the Residential Visit in Year 6
  • Support with costs for targeted extended day activities
  • Support in accessing the St Peter's iPad scheme
  • Homework club and increased opportunities to use ICT
  • Access to a full range of experiences (in cases of financial hardship).