St Peter's pupils delve into Egyptian history and heritage

Costumed Egyptians celebrated the country’s ancient civilisation in style at St Peter’s CE Junior School.
Children in specially-created period costumes gave a dramatic and colourful twist to the Year 5 WOW Day celebration that took a step back in time.
As part of the themed learning topic, pupils delved deep into the rich past to discover the history, heritage and culture of the era, which underpins through timelines the various historical periods they studied in Year 3 and 4.
One of the highlights was learning to read and write hieroglyphics and crafting their own cartouches to spell out their names in this fascinating script. A cartouche is a carved tablet or drawing representing a scroll with rolled-up ends, used ornamentally or bearing an inscription.
They also had the privilege of exploring authentic artefacts on loan from the Maidstone Museum. It was an enlightening experience as it enabled them to ponder the purposes of the objects and share discussions of what they reveal about the ancient Egyptians.
Headteacher Tim Whitehouse said: “This type of themed learning is so enriching and energising. The costumes on show at the WOW Day were fantastic and so much praise goes to our wonderful families who supported our pupils enabling them to make the most of this experience.
“Stepping back in time to Egypt in centuries gone by has helped create unforgettable memories for our children.”