Drama clubs enjoy Little Shop of Horrors at Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School

On Wednesday this week the cast of Johnny and the Bomb and Shakespeare Rocks were lucky enough to be invited to CCGS along with several other primary schools to watch their production of The Little Shop of Horrors.
It is always an absolute treat to watch their performances as they are slick, polished and professional. We are very lucky as we get to watch them twice a year; once performing musical theatre at their school and secondly as part of The Shakespeare Festival for schools. Both of which are always good and also a testimony to their versatility as performers.
As always, it was an amazing show with a talented cast who created believable characters and brilliant vocals. We thought Audrey and Seymour were exceptional.
For us, it is always lovely to see ex St Peter’s students involved and this time, they ranged from Joe S (who has only just left us) on spotlight, right up to Mayan D and Joe E (who left us years ago) taking on cameo roles. It was also good to see others performing in the chorus continuing their love for the arts.
It was a splendid morning that gave us something to aspire to in the future. We even got to meet the plant! Not sure we will want to buy houseplants for a while though!